Join Us!

Become a member of one of the largest and oldest Green Bay Packers fan clubs in the nation!

CHPH Member Benefits

CHPH Annual Membership Card
Official CHPH T-shirt (new members only)
Annual giveaway gift(s)
Members-only raffles and special giveaways
CheeseMail (Email updates)
Early entry for games and special events
Free / discounted rates on outings & events
Membership good at all our chapter locations

What is the cost of a CHPH Membership?

RENEWALS - $15 per person

Members that have renewed within the last two years.

NEW MEMBERS - $25 per person

Fans that are new to the club and joining for the first time, or have not renewed within the last two years. Each additional family member - $15.
How do I Join?
Download, print and fill in the membership form and bring to any Packers game this season, or mail the completed form with membership payment to the address listed on the form.
To download and print a copy of our Membership Form:
Thank You for visiting and WELCOME TO THE CLUB!

CHPH © 2023  
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